Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thank You All!!!

Well, last night was the Year End Celebration Event and what an evening it was!!! The kids did great showcasing their skills and the time of fellowship was precious! It was great to get to see everyone again and it is a night I will cherish forever :) I wanted to thank my class for the wonderful and thoughtful gift!! I will get much use out of the perfect size Bible and I LOVE Beth Moore and will be sure to listen to the CD over and over again :) I was a bit overwhelmed by the love and the sadness I feel for having to move on. Each of you hold a very special place in my heart and I wish you all the very best!! CC of Decatur is a great blessing and is a TRUE community!! My family has felt so loved and cared for during our time there and I just can't thank you all enough!! Please keep in touch, and by all means if any of you are in Monroe, LA we would love to see you!!! Love and many blessings, Stacey (Mike, Lucy, and Clara)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Week 24!!

Wow---we made it!!! One whole CC year DONE!!! Way to go each and every one of you! I may be a tad bit biased, but I feel this was the best class EVER :) Today we unfortunately did not get to all of our subjects, but here is a review... Science: This was done to the tune of "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" What units are use to what units are used to what units are used to measure electrictricity? Volts, Ohms, Amperes, and Watts These are the units to measure electricity. Math: I showed them a visual using one of our students, and also a picture of a dog (both represented A). For identity law if I add 0 or multiply by 1 that person (or dog) stays the same---they keep their same identity. History: We sang the song using instruments. Presidents: We had a race to put them in order. Both teams did a great job! Latin: We did not get to this, but we would have just reviewed the song. English: We did not get to this either, I was just going to have them chant it out and then each child would have a different interjection (Wow! Hey! Cool! etc). and would pop up and yell it out. Geography: We did not get to this either. I didn't have anything special planned for this other than locating and repeating. We had a great time today in Science with our bridges, egg protectors, and paper airplanes! You all did a great job---and most importantly we all learned a lot doing it!! I hope everyone enjoyed the concert for Orchestra! Well, this is it! I made it through the day without crying, and to be honest it hasn't fully hit me that the year is over and this is it. I believe each of you know that we will not be returning next year, as we are going to have to relocate to where there is a job for my husband :) A paycheck is a nice thing to have :) I have appreciated your support, prayers, and love through this time of uncertainty in our lives! This class has ministered to me in so many ways and I am so thankful! It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know all of the Apprentice kids and their families!! I am going to miss you all terribly----but I thank God that we have the promise of an eternity---so this is by no means good bye---simply a "see you later!". Of course there is always next week for fun day and the end of year celebration too :) Have a fun week with the last of Cycle 2 :) Blessings, Stacey I have tried several times to separate this out and it keeps clumping it together----how annoying! Sorry about this!!!