Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Week 14

Hello everyone! We had another great class today!!

Here is my recap of what we did:

Latin: We just practiced it. We did add a "I'm a moose, I'm a this, I'm a not" for the plurals (amamus, amatix, amant).

English: There were gestures for each sentence type. For Declarative we put a period on our palm and were very ho hum about it. For Interrogative we looked like we were thinking and asking a question with finger on our chin. Imperative, we were stern pointing at someone, and for Exclamatory we were shocked :)

Math: We just said the sentence over and over.

History: We acted out as we sang the song. I had the girls play the men in this sentence because we used their hair as mustaches---these men have some major mustaches (except for Wilson). Mom's I forewarn you this tune is catchy! For whatever reason I can't get it out of my head all the time :)

Time Line: We went over the hand motions and repeated it several times.

Geography: We sang a song to the tune of BINGO:
Five countries on the Baltic Coast, are Baltic Europe: ELLEP ELLEP ELLEP, These are Baltic Europe.
Five countries on the Baltic Coast, are Baltic Europe: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, East Prussia (former) and Poland.

Science: I had half the class have a H (Hydrogen Atom) and they were the acids and they donated it to the the Bases that would accept the gift of the H.

Science Lab: Went right along with our science and we got to test household items to see if they are acids or bases. Some very surprising results!! Remember, if you have some purple cabbage at home, boil it up and use the water as the indicator and test some bleach at home and see how base it truly is!!

Fine Arts: We have some magnificent artists in this class!! I was so impressed!! We drew a buttercup flower with detail, much like Linnaeus would have done. We also had the opportunity to look at some real plants up close with magnifying glasses to see just how detailed God made them.

I hope everyone had a great day and enjoy your week!! I look forward to seeing you all next week.

Please remember too---if you ever have any prayer requests, email me, call me---whatever, I would be honored to pray for you!!

See you next week!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this - I love CC and I love tutoring. But I do miss out on seeing my children in their classes. Thank you for keeping me in the loop!
