Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 18

Another great class today. A rowdy bunch today :) I usually don't have to do much disciplining, but I did today (hope I didn't scare anyone :)

Here is a review of what we did today:

History: We acted out the sentence and sang the song.

Latin: Song. We tried to get creative by having half the class go and the other half come in a little later. I think it sounded good LOL

English: Hand gestures
subject----like a submarine, one hand goes under the other.
direct object (remember there are 3 objects)--are goes straight out like you are going directly.
indirect object---arm goes out but in a wavy manner----going indirectly.
object of preposition----move hands away from each other since this is our long one.
possessive---give yourself a big hug.

Math: To the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
One foot equals 12 inches, 12 inches, 12 inches
One foot equals 12 inches
12 inches in a foot.

Geography: longest name is the smallest country----Luxembourg, shortest name is the largest country---USSR (former). Luxembourg is like a flea on Belgium. Ireland (think of being on the beach there ironing "iron land").

Time line: we went over the hand motions.

Fine arts: great painting again today playing with texture like Morisot!! This was our last week of great artists, I know everyone really enjoyed these projects! I am sure we will have lots of fun starting next week learning about composers and orchestra.

Science: Hand gestures: using a sign language "a" for "action", bring the other hand with an "a" together to be our equal and then for opposite have your "a" hands go away from each other.

Science lab: We got to see how force effected such things as playing tug of war, and throwing a ball at someone who is sitting on a skateboard. When two balls are dropped into our hands of the same size, but of different mass (i.e. a wiffle ball and a tennis ball) we noted that the ball with more mass felt different landing in our hands.

Well, believe it or not, we are half way through the second semester!! It is really flying by! I hope everyone has a great week and I look forward to seeing you all again next Tuesday!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week 17

Hard to believe we just finished up week 17 already!! We had a great day at CC today!

History: Once again we acted out as we sang the song.

English: We played a popcorn game. Each child held a picture of a person, place, thing, activity, or idea and when reciting the sentence and we got to their item they would pop up.

Math: We added a verse to our circle song. Again to the tune of the "The Wheels On The Bus" and it goes:
The circumference of a circle is
2 pi r
2 pi r
2 pi r
The circumference of a circle is
2 pi r
all around the circle.

Geo: Central Europe. We went on a trip with Austin the Anteater who lives in Austria. Austin was very hungry and went to Hungary thinking he could get something to eat but that didn't work out too well for him. So, he thought he would "check" right above him at the former Czechoslovakia. He still didn't find anything to eat (he is very picky). So, he went next door to Germany but he found the food there to be "germy" and wouldn't eat it. Finally, he smelt something from the south that smelled wonderful and sure enough in Switzerland he found swiss cheese that was just right!

Latin: Sang the song.

Time Line: We went over the hand motions.

Science: For Newton's 2nd law of motion we had hand gestures. Force, we pushed our arms out. Equals, we used our arms to make what looks like equals signs by putting then horizontal to each other. Mass, we put our arms out like something was big. Times, we crossed our arms like a times sign. Acceleration, we moved our arms like we were running.

Science lab: We discussed how mass effects the force by seeing the difference between two objects as they fell into flour. Even though the objects fell at the same speed, the heavier object left a much larger dent! We also raced some cars and noticed that by making a car heavier it made it travel farther (when it wasn't flipping over :) Also, we saw that since a soccer ball is heavier than a regular ball that when kicked with about the same amount of force the soccer ball went farther and faster.

Fine Arts: We discussed the artist Degas and once again the children proved their wonderful artistic abilities! This was a really cool project and I hope everyone really enjoyed that!

As for extras to help, I didn't have a ton this week. Don't miss the connection of "central Europe" and last weeks history when we learned about the "central powers". We have been finding nouns all over the place, but those idea nouns can be tricky since you can't "see" that.

Have fun with it this week and we look forward to seeing everyone again next week. Remember to let me know if you child plans to attempt the Memory Master challenge so we can plan accordingly.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Memory Masters

I am wondering if anyone in our class is going for Memory Master at the end of this school year. I need to be getting a count so we can plan for that. There is no pressure to go for this, especially at this age.

Just let me know. Either comment to this post, email me, or tell me in person :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 16

Did we really just finish up week 16 already?? Wow, time does fly! We had a great day today at CC, and here is a summary of what we did:

Latin: We just went over imperfect tense with the song.

English: This is a strange story, and it does change the words somewhat, but it really helped my kids learn it this past week---but we put an emphasis on the words and not the story.

To what extent will the advert aardvark make a "not (knot)" while she is trying to "so (sew), too (two) very rather" red dresses that are "quite" cute and "somewhat" small?
We also heard Mrs. Jennifer sing the song her family does for this----feel free to do what works best for your family.

Math: I threw pies in their faces (well, not exactly LOL). I have a pie with the pi symbol on it and around the edge it says 3.14. Then for the sentence we sang to the tune "The Wheels On The Bus"...

The area of a circle is
pi r squared
pi r squared
pi r squared
The area of a circle is
pi r squared
for all circles.
We are actually going to build another verse next week for this song too.

History: My we had some fun acting this out today. I must say that Luke made the cutest darn Hitler ever! We acted it out and sang the song.

Geography: We used a story about a greasy car. The car started off in Greece (hence the car is greasy). From there "all" cars have "mania" and go to Albania. Then the car looked at them and yelled "YOU GO!" and they had to go to Yugoslavia. From there the car decided to go "roam" around Romania. And lastly the car went to his favorite "area" in Bulgaria.

Time Line: We went over the timeline and the hand motions.

Science: I had hand gestures to correspond. We used the sign language "o" to be our object. For rest we put our hands to our head like we were laying down to nap. An object in motion, we just moved our o hand. then we made a straight line and pretended to run for "constant speed" and then using our other hand we came into contact with our o hand as the outside force.

Also I showed them pictures of a soccer ball at rest and we discussed how it wouldn't move on it's own. Then someone kicking the ball and how the ball would keep flying through the air in a straight line until it either hits the net (and outside force acting upon it) or another player got it, etc.

Science Lab: We reiterated Newton's First Law of Motion with some activities. The first (and a favorite) was to get a cup and put a note card on top and a penny on top of that. By flicking the card off we were able to witness how an object at rest "the penny" would remain at rest (by staying in the same place), but the object in the motion (the card) did all the moving---except the penny fell into the cup. Each child brought their penny home and I am sure they will be anxious to show off their new trick :)

We also tried to hit an X on the floor with a ball as we ran past it as fast as we could and had to calculate when to drop the ball to land on that x. This sounds easier than it is.

Fine Arts: We talked about Monet while we painted with water colors and tried to use short brush strokes as Monet was famous for with his impressionistic style of painting. Beautiful art work was created once again!!

A Mom asked me to discuss some of the things we may use at home extra to reiterate the lessons and I will try to add those to these posting too in case they may be helpful for you all. The library of course is a huge reference for us. I look ahead and try to reserve at the library books on the subjects we will be studying. If there are movies that go along with our history in particular too we will try to watch one. This week we watched The Diary of Ann Frank. My children were not thrilled about watching it because I did forewarn them that she died, but we made them watch it anyway, because like it or not it is true life and what happened. It made an impression on my children and brought WW2 to life in a different dimension for them.

Otherwise, I keep on our frig the CC for the week (on C3, if you joined, you can print out the whole week on two sheets---which takes up less space). I will ask them about it when making breakfast, we will sing the songs, tell stories or whatever we came up with for each subject. When making dinner, lunch, etc. I spend much of my day in the kitchen it seems so it made sense for me to put it there. We listen to the CD all the time in the car. The resource CD is great too and I always read the history highlights to them (or my oldest will read it to us). I have to get better at reading behind the time line cards. We usually pick one or two that spark the most interest and read those. We look things up online as well. I am a visual learner, as is my oldest, so I try to have pictures to spark memory. That may be overkill for some, but it works well for us.

I hope that helped some. Keep in mind too that CC is on a 3 year loop, so they will have this same material again in 3 years and you can always build upon it then---this is the foundation we are laying. These children never cease to amaze me though with how much they can retain and how they really do "get it". For instance, while watching the Diary of Ann Frank, my children understood that when they were talking about how Hitler had his sights on Poland that the war was going to begin when he invaded. They were also able to follow the years as they were displayed at the bottom and knew how much longer the war was to take place. Also, in that movie there is a scene of Ann in school learning about the area of a circle and both my kids immediately broke out into our song for that.

Feel free to post comments if you have found something that is a great supplement or something that works great for you all as it may very well be a great help to someone else!

Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing you all next week!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week 15

We had another great week!!!

History: We had fun acting out our sentence today (maybe a little too much fun---I hope they got it LOL). We sang the song as well.

Latin: We did the song and said them as well several times.

English: We had a little chant with hand motions to help us remember our negatives.
Shake head no----"no, not, neither"
Using our finger and getting the head going we said "never, none, nobody"
Stomp one foot and say "nothing", stomp the other food and say "scarcely" and
then arms go up and out for "hardly".

Math: We said the sentence in funny voices.

Geogprahy: We had a story today of a Persian cat named Persia Former and saw where he lives on our map. He was looking for his friend Turkey and thought he saw him next door hanging on an I rack (Iraq). When he didn't find Turkey there, he went next door thinking his friend loved cereal and may well be in Syria looking for cereal. When he didn't find him there either he took a big deep breath and let out a sigh and went to the island of Cyprus. Feeling like he may never find his friend he looked up and there was Turkey!!!

Time Line: We did the hand motions and I had the kids (who appeared to be falling asleep :) get up and really do these with attitude!!! So don't be scared at home if they are yelling their time line :)

Science: We had hand motions, pull hand back like you are getting ready to throw a ball for potential energy and then throw the imaginary ball for kinetic energy.

Science lab: This really got the kids to see our science sentence in action. We used many objects to demonstrate potential and kinetic energy. We made a spool/rubber band thing that didn't work exactly as hoped but still was a good example and visual. The kids did a great job with the "think box" and coming up with ways that we could demonstrate the types of energy.

Fine Arts: Studying the artist Gainsborough. We did not have time to finish our masterpieces unfortunately. We did get the painting portion done ( mostly anyway) and the children once again showed their wonderful artistic ability!! The second part of the project that you can do at home is to on a seperate piece of paper draw some people that would fit into the landscape that was painted. Cut the people out and glue them to the scene.

As usual the kids loved sharing their presentations and they never cease to amaze me with the amount of information they can impart in a short amount of time. They are really doing wonderfully with their presentations!

I hope everyone enjoyed their CC day and will have a great week!! I look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday!