Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week 15

We had another great week!!!

History: We had fun acting out our sentence today (maybe a little too much fun---I hope they got it LOL). We sang the song as well.

Latin: We did the song and said them as well several times.

English: We had a little chant with hand motions to help us remember our negatives.
Shake head no----"no, not, neither"
Using our finger and getting the head going we said "never, none, nobody"
Stomp one foot and say "nothing", stomp the other food and say "scarcely" and
then arms go up and out for "hardly".

Math: We said the sentence in funny voices.

Geogprahy: We had a story today of a Persian cat named Persia Former and saw where he lives on our map. He was looking for his friend Turkey and thought he saw him next door hanging on an I rack (Iraq). When he didn't find Turkey there, he went next door thinking his friend loved cereal and may well be in Syria looking for cereal. When he didn't find him there either he took a big deep breath and let out a sigh and went to the island of Cyprus. Feeling like he may never find his friend he looked up and there was Turkey!!!

Time Line: We did the hand motions and I had the kids (who appeared to be falling asleep :) get up and really do these with attitude!!! So don't be scared at home if they are yelling their time line :)

Science: We had hand motions, pull hand back like you are getting ready to throw a ball for potential energy and then throw the imaginary ball for kinetic energy.

Science lab: This really got the kids to see our science sentence in action. We used many objects to demonstrate potential and kinetic energy. We made a spool/rubber band thing that didn't work exactly as hoped but still was a good example and visual. The kids did a great job with the "think box" and coming up with ways that we could demonstrate the types of energy.

Fine Arts: Studying the artist Gainsborough. We did not have time to finish our masterpieces unfortunately. We did get the painting portion done ( mostly anyway) and the children once again showed their wonderful artistic ability!! The second part of the project that you can do at home is to on a seperate piece of paper draw some people that would fit into the landscape that was painted. Cut the people out and glue them to the scene.

As usual the kids loved sharing their presentations and they never cease to amaze me with the amount of information they can impart in a short amount of time. They are really doing wonderfully with their presentations!

I hope everyone enjoyed their CC day and will have a great week!! I look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday!

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