Thursday, March 24, 2011

Week 22

Only two more weeks to go, and you would think I have this schedule down by now, but as you can see I am quite late on getting this posted----I am so sorry!!

We had a great week!!

Math: I had a visual of "commuters" waiting on a train to go to work. In the morning they go from station A to station B, but when they go home they go from station B to station A but that is the same distance and everything is the same but just backwards. Same with the commutative law. I did have a minute to plug some numbers into the numbers and show them that way too.

Science: We used hand gestures for each. Pretend to use your hand as a mirror and primp while looking in it---that is "reflection". Take a fist and bounce it off the mirror hand (if you hit it hard enough it will "fract"ure and also it shows how it bounces off) and that is for refraction. Then move your hands like you are making a big rainbow for spectrum.

English: To the tune of Bad Boys (from Cops)
Fanboys, Fanboys
Coordinating Conjunctions

Latin: We did the song and since it goes to the tune of London Bridge we played the game while singing.

Presidents: We only went to Hayes (I know it says to go to Garfield, but the natural break in the song is Hayes). I also had a deck of cards with the Presidents on them and had two teams race in putting them in order. The team with the "easy" deck didn't catch on that theirs actually said the number president they were, which worked out well. LOL

Geography: We found each on the map and sang them to the tune of the Mexican Hat Dance
Some countries in Central America
El Salvador and Honduras
Nicaragua and Costa Rica
and Panama cha cha cha

History: we had some hand gestures. We held up 9 fingers for 1989. Communist dictators we saluted as though we were saluting to Hitler, with an outstretched arm (it feels so wrong!! I just couldn't think of anything else), we used sign language "e" for Eastern Europe, for Gorbachev we patted our heads because of the birthmark he has on his head, we did an exaggerated NO with our heads to signify refused and for military force we used our hand like a gun.

We began our egg protectors this week and will work on them more next week and they will be tested week 24. Remember, a REAL egg will go in there for the test, and the protectors that succeed in keeping their egg from breaking is a winner :) We discussed again about how triangles are the strongest shape. It was fascinating to see the different ideas that they were coming up with. I can't wait to see these tested out!!

Mrs. Diana Light is doing a great job with Orchestra and I know my children are captivated which is awesome!! It truly has given us a love and appreciation for Classical Music that we didn't have before!

I hope this didn't mess you all up too badly having me post so late. I will try my best to do better for the next couple of weeks. I am shocked (and quite saddened) that there are only 2 more weeks to go!! I am going to miss our class (kids and Moms) so very much!!!


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